Tag: bipolar disorder

Going Dark

lightswitch off

In my most recent post, several weeks ago, I said I may be closing this blog to focus on a new blog related to my writing. I decided I don’t have the time or energy to start a new one, yet I’ve made the very difficult decision to close “Insights From a Bipolar Bear” anyway. […]

The Streets

the streets

Many of you have read my story about living on the streets, but this story, which was published several years ago, covers a lot of area that I haven’t covered before. Because of its length, I originally planned to post this over a couple of days but decided against that. It would affect the impact […]

Oh My God, Hell Yes!

bipolar medication

I asked my husband, Maurice, to think back to before I was taking meds. We both remember the trial and error period when my pdoc and I were trying to find the right combination for me. Some of the meds had some pretty wacky side effects. In fact, one of them made me attack Maurice. […]

Changes Are Coming

David Bowie

  Dare I say it…it’s big…I should resist, but I must be honest. Here it goes…I was never a David Bowie fan. There, I got it off my chest. I admitted I find Bowie to have been kind of meh. interestingly one of my favorite songs is by him. In fact, it’s right up there […]

My Fourteenth Birthday


Today I turned fourteen. December 8, 2003 was my first day clean and sober. It may surprise some people to hear that after I got sober my life got worse. I lost all my friends (barfly’s actually.) I wound up homeless, which never happened while I was drinking. My life was in ruins as I […]


I’m poor, overweight, have bipolar disorder, and more than anything lately, I’m loaded with self-pity. I don’t know why I’ve been feeling self-pity more lately than the past, but it doesn’t seem to be in any rush to go away. One strong possibility is the state of my country. The US of A is being […]

Memory Loss, Writing and More

epilepsy or bipolar

Wow. With a goal of posting twice a week, it appears I set myself up to fail. I’ve become so obsessed with finishing my novel that I have gotten so that I don’t allow myself any distractions, including blog writing. I watch very little TV, but I do watch The Walking Dead, which I saw […]

Carrie Fisher

Carrie Fisher

I’ve promoted Carrie Fisher many, many times on this blog. It’s no exaggeration to say she is my hero. Despite having so much to lose, because she’s a celebrity, Carrie has no skeletons in her closet. For decades she’s courageously been open and honest about having bipolar disorder, as well as a history of using […]

Lessons I Learned – Throwback

/ Today’s Throwback is from December 2013 The other day Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. who is an Associate Editor at Psych Central posted an excellent article titled “The Biggest Lesson I’ve Learned in Managing My Bipolar Disorder.” Upon reading the article I was pleased to find that I pretty much learned the same lessonsr. Below are […]

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