Tag: writing

Weekly Wrap-Up August 1, 2016

Mood I had a wonderful week again. I could be wrong, but I think it’s been two months now that I’ve had no manic or depressive incidents. I had an appointment with my pdoc on Friday and he was excited that I’ve been doing so well. However, when I told him that there was a […]

Weekly Wrap-Up June 27, 2016

Mood Another great week without mania or depression. That’s three in a row! Woo Hoo! (knock on wood) I did have some anxiety that made it hard to concentrate and on Friday I and had to cancel a lunch date with a friend because of it. If that’s as bad as it gets, though – […]

Weekly Wrap-Up April 11, 2016

Mood Much, much better mood this past week. I was manic for a couple of days, but that ended about mid-week. Here’s a couple of brief conversations I had with Maurice: Sunday: Me: I feel so much better now that the depression has lifted, but I’m kind of manic, Maurice: I don’t think you’re manic. […]

On Writing

Stephen King wrote an excellent book on writing, aptly titled On Writing. I’ll hope he’ll forgive me for using the same title for this blog post. While Stephen’s book was primarily about being a writer, this post is about why and how I write. Unemployment I haven’t worked in over eight years. My road to […]

What The Hell Have I Been Up To?

This is not a new post. I posted this yesterday, but there was a database crash and I lost it all. Fortunately I had most of it saved on Word. What have I been doing? Quite a bit actually. Here’s an update on some items: Mental Health Nothing but good news here. The past few […]

Being a Writer

As I said I was going to do, I quit school, cut back on volunteer obligations and have shifted all my focus on being a writer. As some of you may recall, I made those decisions based on feedback from both my pdoc and my therapist. I was struggling in school and due to some […]


I refuse to accept that I can’t take two classes and write a blog without killing myself in the process. The quote above is from a recent article I posted. Regular readers know I’ve been struggling with time management and generally feeling overwhelmed. I’ve been trying to balance college classes, blog writing, some volunteer work […]


“He owns his own business because he believes he is unemployable.” That simple sentence has stuck with me for years. About eight years ago, soon after I was diagnosed, Maurice and I purchased a coffee table book called “Men Together.” The book consists of interviews of male couples who have been together for a significant […]

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