Weekly Wrap-Up April 11, 2016

weekly wrap-up


Much, much better mood this past week. I was manic for a couple of days, but that ended about mid-week. Here’s a couple of brief conversations I had with Maurice:

Me: I feel so much better now that the depression has lifted, but I’m kind of manic,
Maurice: I don’t think you’re manic. I think you just feel good because the depression is gone.

Maurice: What time did you wake up this morning?
Me: 6:15
Maurice: You went to bed at 3:30. I think you’re manic.
Me: I know.

Fortunately the mania didn’t last too long and I’m feeling pretty balanced right now.

Weight and Fitness

Here is how my weight has gone the past three weeks:
March 26 Lost 1.8 lbs
April 02 Weight didn’t change – no gain or loss
April 09 Gained 1.8 lbs
This has been going on for far too long. Up and down, up and down like a yo-yo. I’ve considered quitting out of frustration. But, if I do, what does quitting mean?
1) I could quit Weight Watchers and dieting all together, let myself blow up past 300 lbs and die young.
2) I could quit Weight Watchers and get gastric bypass surgery. However, I know a few people who have had complications from this, plus they require you to lose 10% of your current weight before they’ll do the surgery. This is what lead me to Weight Watchers to begin with. My thought was that if I could lose 10 lbs without the surgery, then why wouldn’t I just keep going and continue to lose weight through diet change.
3) I could drop Weight Watchers altogether and diet on my own. This is not an option. It was through Weight Watchers that I lost 90 lbs. It was only after quitting their program that I regained most of that back. Weight Watchers is not a lose weight and quit program. It’s a full lifestyle change.

My current weight is 264 lbs. That’s a 39.3 loss from my original weight of 303.3 lbs
My goal this month is to lose 6 lbs., so I will need to lose 2 lbs each week for the rest of this month. That’s doable. Just a bit of a challenge.


I am currently working on Chapter 7. I received excellent feedback from my writing group on Saturday, regarding Chapter 6. so I’ll be making the changes I agree with, then moving on to Chapter 7. My plan is to finish 1 chapter each week so I plan to make the changes to Chapter 6 by Monday morning then move on.

One interesting thing at the group session was a comment from a guy who’s been gone awhile. He remembers my chapters 1 – 3 and commented that the tone has changed and it’s almost slapsticky. I replied that the writing has taken a life of its own and is turning out more humorous than I originally planned. As a result, I will have to eventually go back to the first few chapters and give them a more humorous tone. I then told the group that I now see the novel as Green Acres. Mitch, the detective, is the Eddie Albert character and everyone else around him is nuts. I’ve had more fun writing since I changed the tone so that’s why I’m going to continue with it that way.


Overall, I’d say I had a pretty good week. The weight loss sucked, but I keep getting better at writing and I’m thrilled about that. Plus, to top that off with a balanced mood was good. Not bad overall.

6 comments on Weekly Wrap-Up April 11, 2016

  1. Weight loss struggles…ughhh, I feel ya! I am glad to hear your mood evened out and that the mania didn’t swing to depression…anytime that happens, we have to be grateful! Look forward to reading your book on my Kindle one day! 🙂

    1. I hope it will be on your Kindle sometime next year. Of course, I have every expectation that it will reach the NY Times bestseller list, which will make me incredibly rich when I sell the movie rights.

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