Anna Clendening is my new mental health hero. Diagnosed with anxiety and depression, she went from not being able to leave her home to singing in front of millions of people in just a few months. Of course, we all have varying degrees of our symptoms, but I can’t help but be impressed. * SAPPINESS […]
Category: award
The Most Influential Blogger Award
One of my favorite blogs is Vic Briggs’ A Writer Adrift, so I was honored last week when Vic bestowed upon me the Most Influential Blogger award. I normally don’t accept awards from fellow bloggers, but I’m making an exception because it came from Vic, and I especially like the questions she asked. The […]
It’s an Honor to be Nominated
This past week my good blogging friend, Raeyn, nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award because, as she said, “[I] keep an awesome blog.” Thank you, Raeyn, you keep an awesome blog as well. Her blog The Scarlet B, is one that I look forward to every day. I suggest my readers check it out. […]
I’m Loved
One things I love about blogging is finding out about others blogs who have been reading for awhile. One such blog is 200 Sacred Words by Vincent Parker. The other day I received the I Love Your Blog award from Vincent so I had to go and take a look at his blog for awhile. […]