Category: insurance


I have friends who talk about how awful their pdocs (psychiatrist) are. They claim their pdoc never listens to what they say, and won’t make any med changes even when asked. It feels, at times, they are talking about Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde.  I always felt lucky. The pdoc I first worked with, Doctor Lisa, would spend a […]

Dear Mr. President

President George BushThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Ave NWWashington DC 20500 Dear President Bush, Yesterday I was was surfing the net and I stumbled upon a very interesting Associated Press article which reports that in order to help medical students learn the symptoms of bipolar disorder that a “Mania Day” is held at the Univeristy of […]

How Was Bradley Part II

When I ended my tale yesterday, the roller coaster in my brain could no longer handle the ride. I was “smart” enough quit a good career; “intelligent” enough to move to a strange city; “brilliant” enough to live with a lover in a loveless relationship, and made alcohol and drugs my best friends. I was […]