Category: NAMI

Coming Out With Mental Illness

Coming out is not easy. In my life, I came out as a gay man and as a person with bipolar disorder. Both were difficult. I was cautious when I came out as gay. I live on the west coast in Los Angeles, but, most of my close friends and family live scattered throughout the […]

Beginners Guide to Bipolar Disorder

Class is in session. It’s time for the beginners guide to bipolar disorder. Being diagnosed with bipolar disorder or depression is scary. You’ve probably known something just hasn’t felt right for most of your life, but weren’t sure why. Now you know. For me the diagnosis was both scary and a relief. I was relieved […]


When I decided to write an article on motivation I thought it would be easy to research. Boy, was I wrong. The most common suggestion I found was to exercise. EXERCISE? If you struggle to get out of bed, if you can’t take a shower, when you can’t open the blinds, how the hell are […]

Bipolar Disorder: What is it?

I created a page on my blog explaining what bipolar disorder is. I decided, since there are many misconceptions, about bipolar that I would go ahead and reprint it as today’s article. Here is my quick and easy guide about bipolar disorder. I am not a physician and do not work in the medical profession. […]

Losing Your Sense of Self

A fellow blogger forwarded me an article published in April in the New York Times Magazine. The article was beautifully written by Linda Logan and details her 20 year journey living with bipolar. She does an excellent job of detailing the hell that it can be living with a mood disorder and the loss of […]