In my previous post I put a copy of a sermon I did on Sunday. A couple of people were not familiar with Unitarian Universalism and I said I should post about it again. Well, I’m being lazy today so instead of typing a new one, I’m reblogging the previous post I did a few […]
Search Results for: unitarian
Pondering in the Early Morning

I woke up at 5:30 this morning. I’m not sure exactly why, but Saturday was stressful so I took a couple naps. Despite how groggy I am, my body must think I’ve had enough sleep. Most mornings, when I wake up so early, I go for a 4 – 6 mile walk. Today I wasn’t […]
What Are Your Beliefs? Throwback

Today’s throwback is from January 2009. One of my favorite websites is Beliefnet It’s a treasure trove of information about all the major worlds religions. It’s an especially good place to go if one is searching for others who may fall within your same religious beliefs. My favorite part of is the Belief-O-Matic. […]
Things I’ve Had to Let Go
Sometimes life just doesn’t go the way it’s supposed to you want it to. For instance, I’m supposed to have Bradley Cooper’s looks, and Bill Gates’ money. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but I’m learning to accept that neither are, or will be, true. What can be harder to swallow are the hopes and […]
I’m Not Crazy, I’m Just a Little Unwell – Throwback
Last month I posted a copy of a sermon I did at my church when our minister wasn’t available. Back in July 2003 I also did a sermon. Here is the transcript of that sermon which I hope you’ll find interesting. Keep in mind that these were my notes so forgive me for grammar and […]
You’re Worth It
At my church we’re between ministers. Our previous minister moved back east last month, and our new one won’t arrive until August. To fill in the gaps, some of our congregants have been standing in. Below is a sermon I conducted on Sunday, July 24th, 2016. It was a twenty minute sermon, so it’s longer […]
It’s All About Me
My friend Tony “Tone” Vega,of Tony Vega Dot Net, has nominated me for a Liebster Award. To receive the award, I have to list 11 random facts about me and answer a questionnaire with 11 specific questions. I normally don’t accept awards, but I made an exception because I was planning to do an “All […]
Weekly Wrap-Up May 30, 2016
Mood Well, at least the week started off well. I was in good spirits through last weekend and the first couple of days of the week. Four times a year I do a presentation at the local community college on Buddhism and being Unitarian Universalist. No problem. I did great. Things changed on Wednesday midday […]
On Writing
Stephen King wrote an excellent book on writing, aptly titled On Writing. I’ll hope he’ll forgive me for using the same title for this blog post. While Stephen’s book was primarily about being a writer, this post is about why and how I write. Unemployment I haven’t worked in over eight years. My road to […]
Top Things You Should Not Say to Someone Who has Bipolar or Depression
Lists like this are nothing new. I’ve seen them on blogs and mental health websites for years so I never anticipated writing one myself. However, an individual recently made an insensitive comment to me that caught me off guard. Soon after I asked my followers on Twitter to tell me what they hoped to never […]