Guest Blogging

cat on keyboard
Occasionally I receive requests from fellow bloggers interested in submitting posts here to “Insights from a Bipolar Bear.” If you are interested in being a guest writer, I am honored by your desire, but here are some requirements:

– Your article must be related to bipolar disorder or depression or to mental health in a general sense.
– Your article should be around 500 – 700 words
– It must be an original article and not published on your blog or elsewhere
– An article that does not have misspellings, and uses proper grammar and punctuation.
– Use keywords and subheadings
– A copyright free image
= A bio is requested, though anonymous submission are accepted
– A link back to your blog is encouraged, but must be in your bio and not in your article
– A link from your blog to “Insights from a Bipolar Bear” is requested
– If you choose to write an article that is not based on an opinion or personal experience, then it must be based on scientific accuracy.
– For any assertions you make, you must provide credible references.

In addition:
– I highly recommend that you submit an outline before you send the full article to ensure it is an article that I can publish.
– Humorous articles will always grab my attention,

ONE SPECIAL NOTE: I am always looking for opportunities to guest write on other blogs.

If you are interested in being a guest writer you can contact me via the Contact Form or send an email to

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