Another Caption this Wednesday

It’s Wednesday and that means it’s time for another “Caption This” contest. Here is this weeks photo:



Here are the rules:

  • Put in the comments section what you think this weeks caption should be. If you post more than one caption, it is considered cheating, and that is okay with me. This is dog eat dog.
  • All entries must be in by midnight on Thursday, Pacific Time.
  • On Friday I will announce the winner based on humor, creativity, uniqueness, or just because I damn well please. Bribes are graciously accepted and nepotism is standard practice.

Good Luck!

caption this golden unicorn award

21 comments on Another Caption this Wednesday

  1. “I’ll be selling the dresser, tie, fishnets and shades this afternoon at my yard sale – and if you buy all of those, you can date me!”

  2. “Yeah, I was an extra in the Corey Hart video ‘I Wear My Sunglasses At Night’ and I’m damn proud of it – my paycheck bought me this smokin’ hot tie!”

  3. B, can you tell I’m procrastinating on editing Chapter Twenty-Seven? Yep. But I’m making progress and so far no bears have showed up to say hello….yet.

    Okay, I’ll bid you adieu – I’m sure everyone else reading my cheesy entries are doing a happy dance! 😉

  4. Upon touring their potential new home, the Osborne’s were happy that this particular decoration came with the house.

  5. After drinking more than was good for her on her big day, Mary-Beth’s wedding photos were not exactly “mantelpiece-ready”.

  6. All it takes are a few dowels and a Girls Rock tie to assemble the new IKEA Lauper collection. Note: Girls who just want to have fun sold separately.

  7. Hair color = $3 Kool-Aid dye job
    Daisy Dukes = $0
    Tie w/ “Girls Rock” = $25.99 at Hot Topic
    Falling face first into the kitty litter box while trying to look like a sexy 80’s groupie = PRICELESS

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