My scanner isn’t working today for some reason so I’m posting a cartoon I have already posted a couple of months back. It’s one of my favorites.

Don’t forget, fellow bloggers, that the mental health directory I created is up and running. Please take a look here: If you blog abpit mental illness, please be sure to sign up.

If you have signed up already, please notify some of the bloggers on your blogroll to help build the directory.


Uncle Bradley will be back on Friday to answer you questions. Be sure to send a question in the next day or two. You can ask a question in the comments section of any post, or click the email button to send it anonymously.

3 comments on

  1. Hey Uncle Bradley, what’s the best way to deal with being so danged uncomfortable notifying bloggers on my blogroll to help build the directory? I don’t have a clue what to say or how to approach and feel nervous about it all.

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