
The following quote is from my most recent blog post:

After the blog discussion, [my therapist and I] talked about some short stories I submitted for publication, and other topics writing related. He was grinning through our entire conversation and when we paused he laughed a bit and said, “You are not the same person I was talking with a few minutes ago. Once we started talking about blogging and writing your entire demeanor changed. I can’t remember the last time you were so animated.” We both agreed it was time I start writing more and not just for my blog.

In just the few days since that post I have had a major breakthrough – I’ve sold my first short story. What a wonderful way to start the week. Thank you to all of you who’ve been so supportive. This is the start of a new beginning.

17 comments on Breakthrough

        1. I’ve had a tough time learning to make the best choices. I guess it’s an ongoing process.

          Btw, Kitt. If it seems like it takes me awhile to respond to your posts it’s because most of yours go to my spam folder. I don’t know why it keeps happening, but I’ll try to make an effort to check it more frequently

  1. How wonderful!!!! Thank you for letting us know.

    PS I keep reading your blog with fondness….sorry I haven’t commented much lately. I do appreciate your clarity in writing and all the good energy you put into this blog.

    1. Thank you, Gel. It’s great to see you’re still following. I’ve been remiss in reading anyones blogs lately. It’s very difficult to read for some reason. Whatever it is, I hope it passes soon.

    1. Thank you. I never expected this to happen so fast. I have finally accepted my true calling

  2. How wonderful! Sorry for the late congrats, but your posts stopped coming through on my wordpress reader. Wonder why? Was on FB and saw on your page that you posted a bunch in the last week so catching up on all of them now.

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