Category: writing

The Sun May be Setting


After ten years, and a couple of months, the sun may be setting on Insights from a Bipolar Bear. Obviously, I haven’t been posting much lately. It looks like the average has been about once a month. The reason, as most of you know, is because I’ve been working on a novel. I made the […]

I Did It!

Happy man jumping in the air

I did it. My heart was racing, my palms were clammy and sweat was dripping off my forehead and into my eyes, but I did it. I did it on Wednesday, March 14 at 2:59 pm. For the first time I sent off a manuscript to a publisher. I spent the entire morning with a […]

I Wish I Could Read

man reading

To start off, the title is a bit misleading. I can read, but not very well. Actually, the real problem is comprehension. I can’t remember a damn thing. Back when I was a younger lad, I read all the time. Typically, one book every couple of days. It didn’t matter what. Sometimes a great novel, […]

Good Reasons For Anxiety Still Feel Shitty

Stack of books

I said I would try to give an update more often…I’m trying. January is over and was it ever a wild rollercoaster. Highs and lows…and I hate rollercoasters. However, despite frustrating health issues, despite major anxiety that felt like it was going to kill me, there’s a possibility for good stuff, really good stuff, ahead. […]

Changes Are Coming

David Bowie

  Dare I say it…it’s big…I should resist, but I must be honest. Here it goes…I was never a David Bowie fan. There, I got it off my chest. I admitted I find Bowie to have been kind of meh. interestingly one of my favorite songs is by him. In fact, it’s right up there […]

My Desk

My Desk

This is not going to be the most exciting post you’ve ever read, but it is pretty cool to me because of my desk. Before we get to my desk, remember my past couple of posts? Yeah, those. The ones where I told you that my site may be down for a few days because I […]


I Wanna Be a Writer I have always had writers blood, but it wasn’t until recently that I realized it was stronger than I believed. You may remember in a previous post I shared that I suddenly had a recollection that I made a concerted effort to be a writer when I was in my […]

What do I Want to do?

What do I want to do? Over the years I’ve written a few posts about returning to work. In the past couple weeks, it’s come up again with my pdoc and my therapist, so I am bringing it up again. I hope my long term readers will indulge me a bit. Over the years there […]

Weekly Wrap-Up August 08, 2016

Mood My winning streak of staying balanced is over, but I didn’t completely crash and burn either…at least not for long. On Wednesday I started feeling depressed. I tried to come up with a reason why this was happening, but couldn’t come up with anything situational. When I experienced disassociation that afternoon, I knew this […]

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