Category: bipolar

Going Dark

lightswitch off

In my most recent post, several weeks ago, I said I may be closing this blog to focus on a new blog related to my writing. I decided I don’t have the time or energy to start a new one, yet I’ve made the very difficult decision to close “Insights From a Bipolar Bear” anyway. […]

I Just Want to Stick Around for Awhile

weight loss

On Saturday I went to Weight Watchers for my weekly weigh-in. I weighed 263 lbs. Based on past posts, many of you understand how frustrated, angry and disheartened I felt when I looked at that scale. My Weight Loss and Gains Here’s a quick history of my weight loss journey, which you can see in […]

Trapped Inside My Own Mind

I published a post last week titled Trapped. It was a quick rant about how miserable I was feeling. I don’t rant very often on this blog. Today my intent is to share what I’m feeling, but hopefully in a more coherent way. I hope I succeed. Our President Elect I’ve made it clear since […]

My Bipolar Grab Bag

I keep ahandy list where I write blog ideas as they come to me. I Iog nearly every idea no matter how silly it may sound. Some ideas are ones I like, but when I attempt to write them, I find they just don’t have enough weight for a full blog post. So, today I decided […]

Depression, Bipolar and Guilt – Throwback

Today’s Throwback is from January 2014: I feel guilty. Very guilty. What do I feel guilty for? That’s easy…damn near everything. In the June 6, 2012 edition of Forbes magazine, contributor Alice G. Walton states: Anybody who’s been depressed can tell you that feelings of guilt and self-blame can be overwhelming. In fact, the tendency […]

Mister President – Throwback

A Reminder Just a quick reminder that all entries in the “Caption This” contest must be in my midnight tonight. Here’s a link to yesterday’s post for all the info you need. Caption This.   This Throwback Was Originally Posted in June 2008   President George Bush The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington […]

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