Category: manic depression

Lessons I Learned

The other day Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. who is an Associate Editor at Psych Central posted an excellent article titled “The Biggest Lesson I’ve Learned in Managing My Bipolar Disorder.” Upon reading the article I was pleased to find that I pretty much learned the same lessonsr. Below are each of the lessons she listed and, […]

The House Husband

A couple of weeks ago I dropped the only class I was taking. I dropped it because I failed to turn in an essay and chose to withdraw from the class rather than get a low grade. It was my professor’s suggestion, actually. What he didn’t know, however, is that I’m on academic probation. I […]


  Tomorrow (Saturday Sept 28) is my fiftieth birthday.  Yep, the big Five-O.  I didn’t think it was going to bother me, but I’m shocked that I was wrong.  All week I’ve been irritable. It didn’t bother me when I turned thirty.  It didn’t bother me when I turned 40.  Interestingly, it did bother me […]

Missing Mania

I miss mania.  The last time I felt manic was back in February of last year.  My pdoc asked me how I was doing and I practically leaped out of my seat and said “FANTASTIC!”  It was a lot like Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah’s couch kind of thing.  We had a little chat and […]

Who? When? Where? How?

Several years ago my therapist gave me a memory test. This took place when I was in the midst of despair and my pdoc and I were working together to find the medicinal cocktail that was right for me. Naturally my test results were abysmal. One part of the test involved my therapist listing 10 […]

Losing Your Sense of Self

A fellow blogger forwarded me an article published in April in the New York Times Magazine. The article was beautifully written by Linda Logan and details her 20 year journey living with bipolar. She does an excellent job of detailing the hell that it can be living with a mood disorder and the loss of […]

Wednesday’s Quote: Carrie Fisher

  “One of the things that baffles me (and there are quite a few) is how there can be so much lingering stigma with regards to mental illness, specifically bipolar disorder. In my opinion, living with manic depression takes a tremendous amount of balls. Not unlike a tour of Afghanistan (though the bombs and bullets, […]

Bring Change 2 Mind

I was aware that Glenn Close has a sister, and a nephew with mental illness and that Glenn is active in helping to erase the stigma of mental illness. What I did not know is that she is the founder of Bring Change 2 Mind which is a national anti-stigma campaign. (I’m sure many of […]

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