Category: religion

What Are Your Beliefs? Throwback

Religious Beliefs

  Today’s throwback is from January 2009. One of my favorite websites is Beliefnet It’s a treasure trove of information about all the major worlds religions. It’s an especially good place to go if one is searching for others who may fall within your same religious beliefs. My favorite part of is the Belief-O-Matic. […]

When I Grow Up

I’m at that place again where I ask “What do I want to do when I grow up?” I’ve been asking that question my entire life. There were day, weeks, months and even years where I knew the answer to that question, while other times I didn’t have a clue. I’m kind of at that […]

The Sermon – The Video

I posted the written sermon on mental health that I did a couple of weeks ago, however, I’ve received some requests to see the video.  I was writhing in pain when I watched it, so I hope it sits well with all of you. Unfortunately the beginning was cut off. Also, I want to apologize […]

What Do You Believe?

One of my favorite websites is It’s a treasure trove of information about all the major worlds religions. It’s an especially good place to go if one is searching for others who may fall within their same belief system. My favorite part of is the Belief-O-Matic. It’s a fun test to take in […]

Feeling Good but Staying Cool

Here’s typical pictures you’ll find on most drug ads and websites that explain dealing with major depression and bipolar disorder: Who wouldn’t be depressed after viewing pictures like these? It must be a conspiracy by the drug companies. Boy am I feeling great today! Our niece is back with us and probably will be for […]

OMG It’s Hot!

Just a few days ago it was cold and today it’s up to 95F. What the hell is that about? Church service was a mess today. It was our ministers day off so we had a guest minister who was Christian. Now there are Christian UU ministers, just like there are Buddhist UU ministers, Pagan […]