How Did I End Up Working Again?

I’ve mentioned numerous times that I have strong reservations about going back to work again. The idea makes me a nervous wreck to the point I shake violently when giving it serious thought. In a nutshell, I don’t think I’m ready. Seriously, my mind tells me that I am far from being ready to work again. Apparently my higher power has a difference of opinion.

I manage the website for my church and volunteered to give the site a much needed major overhaul. Two weeks ago the President of our Church Board came to me and told me that the project was much more than they could expect of a volunteer. I didn’t go to him, or the minister or anyone else on the board. They came to me and now as a result I am being paid very handsomely to overhaul the website.

Yesterday a new situation occurred. A friend of mine is also a web designer and she happens to be overloaded. Last night she sent me an email asking if she could hire me to complete some work for her and once again gave a generous offer that I can’t refuse.

I have no idea what the effects of these will be once I start working and getting paid. How will they affect my health care benefits and my social security are big questions I need to find out. In the meantime, it looks like I’ll be going back to work and not in a way that I expected.

It’s funny how the universe has plans for us that don’t match our own plans sometimes.

Diet Update: I’ve gained two pounds and I’m up to 285. I have been eating healthier overall, but have not been walking or getting any other form of exercise. History tells me that without exercise, I’m not going to lose weight. That means I’ve got to get out and shake my booty somehow.

8 comments on How Did I End Up Working Again?

  1. Bradley, I hope the work projects turn out to be ok for you. I understand about working and have similar reservations. Take care, Annie

  2. Dear Bradley,I think this is great news! One of the challenges with working–after you haven’t for awhile–is to take everything you’ve learned about wellness and apply it to your new tasks.Thus…be sure and exercise. It not only helps with weight loss, but it’s really important for relieving stress.If I had your address, I’d send you a harmonica–for stress reduction as well! (Just kidding, but it truly works for me.)Best of luck with all this. I know you can do it. You’ve demonstrated how talented you are in this area. Maybe the high fees are a gift from God who’s rooting for you as well!Susan

  3. It is interesting what the Lord has in store for us, even if we don’t think we’re ready.Maybe it’s time for you to do something special for the holiday.2 lbs is not much to worry about, but the fact that you are recognizing what’s needed is great!!p.s. Nice to meet you. 🙂

  4. Well, I think this is kinda cool and will be good for you. I presume your friend and the President of the Church Board know about your difficulties and will be supportive and understanding. Also, I guess it depends what and how much work you’ll be doing for her, but couldn’t your friend pay you under the table, so to speak?(I don’t know if it’s the same in the US but here it’s awfully difficult when you want to work but can’t work full-time because of health problems. Government agencies usually have a very black and white view of the world: either you’re well enough to work or you’re not. Sorry, don’t mean to put you off but be careful! Do what’s best for you.)

  5. It’s strange how job opportunities arise – maybe it’s the start of something permanent. Even better when it’s something you love doing. Congratulations 🙂

  6. Congratulations on the new opportunities. Just be careful that you don’t stress yourself out over them. Pace yourself and do what you feel is right for yourself.I need to get out there and shake my booty as well…I just blogged about my weight issues and it was NO fun to write about!

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