Surviving Mental Illness Through Humor

Surviving mental illness through humor

Today, my first published short story goes on the market. The anthology, Support Mental Illness Through Humor is now available. I could give a description, but I wouldn’t do it justice compared to the one on Amazon. Here it is:

If you’re living with a mental illness, you’re in good company. Disease doesn’t discriminate; One in four people suffer from mental illness, and yet the stigma still remains. Surviving Mental Illness Through Humor contains stories of hope, despair, and hilarity by writers who are walking the mental health journey, as they discuss their experiences with Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Anorexia, Agoraphobia, Panic Disorder and more.

While the lows of living with mental illness can be devastating, the disease doesn’t define the lives of these contributors, and it doesn’t have to define yours, either. Some of these essays will make your heart ache, some will make you cry with laughter, but in reading this Anthology you will see that living with mental illness doesn’t equal a life of endless misery. Join us as we ‘laugh stigma into submission’ by growing attitudes of acceptance and compassion.

An excellent mix of bloggers and writers contributed to the book and each agreed to donate a portion of their proceeds to charity. My proceeds will be shared with my local NAMI chapter.

Here’s a link for more information and to purchase the book. Please check it out:

Surviving Mental Illness Through Humor

15 comments on Surviving Mental Illness Through Humor

    1. Thank you, Janet, for being one of those who has encouraged me to strive to reach my full potential in writing. It is appreciated.

    1. Thank you for purchasing it, Journey. I believe you’ll be pleased with the book.

  1. I’ll be purchasing it when I get back to town. Congratulations my friend! I’m glad others have recognized your gift!

    1. It is exciting, Kitt. I’m especially excited that the book is being released. I have no doubt many will be helped by it

    1. Thank you, shitastrophy (I love your name.) It really is an honor to be included. Thank you

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