Tag: blog

Out of the Starting Gate Redux

Stupid Idea I remember about a decade ago when I knew very little about blogs. Out of ignorance I thought they were about the dumbest things I could imagine. Weren’t they just diaries? Who in the world wants to read other people’s diaries? Most of us have rather mundane lives – wake up, go to […]

Where Have all the Bloggers Gone?

Until a few years ago, this blog was named How is Bradley. The other day I stumbled on that old site and was surprise to find it still there. All the original posts had been transferred here to Insights from a Bipolar Bear, but I believed all along that I shut down the original site […]

Seeking Guest Bloggers

I need some guest bloggers. I’ve had only a few guests write articles for me and I’d like to change that. I don’t expect it to be only about bipolar disorder – it can be most any type of article related to mental health. Hell, I’d be happy to entertain the idea that it be […]


I refuse to accept that I can’t take two classes and write a blog without killing myself in the process. The quote above is from a recent article I posted. Regular readers know I’ve been struggling with time management and generally feeling overwhelmed. I’ve been trying to balance college classes, blog writing, some volunteer work […]


“He owns his own business because he believes he is unemployable.” That simple sentence has stuck with me for years. About eight years ago, soon after I was diagnosed, Maurice and I purchased a coffee table book called “Men Together.” The book consists of interviews of male couples who have been together for a significant […]

Why I Blog Take II

I apologize to those who left comments earlier. I had some technical difficulties and wound up losing the entire post and the comments as well. Please don’t hesitate to comment again. I’m not sure what to say in my first post. It’s kind of like when people start in yearbooks or letters with “What can […]

Seeking Blog Recommendations

Back in the old days before I took a break from blogging, I had a healthy list of blogs I read on a regular basis. Sadly many of them are gone for various reasons. I read once that the average lifespan of a blog is two years, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Since […]

Insights from a Bipolar Bear

Effective immediately I have changed the name of this blog. It’s not nearly as dramatic as the last change I made just over a year ago. In fact, this time it’s not a change per se, but just a shortening of the title. Up until today the name was: Depression and Bipolar Disorder: Insights from […]

Stigma Fighters Guest Post

Recently I was given the honor of being asked to submit a guest post to Sarah Feder’s excellent blog Old School/New School Mom. Sarah’s blog runs a series called Stigma Fighters which features real life stories about people living with mental illness. You can view my submission here: Bradley S. From her blogs bio, Sarah […]

When I Grow Up Revisited

This is an update to a post I wrote a few months ago. When I Grow Up When I was a kid I always knew my career choice. Farmer, veterinarian, Coast Guard, forest ranger…It changed once a week, but at least I had a goal. After I read the novel, “My Side of The Mountain,” […]

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