What I Did on my Winter Vacation

It was a good break away from the blog for the last couple of months, but now I’m back.

Somehow during my vacation I lost almost 10 pounds. I can’t figure out how. I sure as hell wasn’t trying. But, now I’m down to 284 pounds. I’ve joined Weight Watchers to keep the trend going. It’s kind of a pain in the ass tracking points for the food I eat, but I’ve heard nothing but good feedback from friends of mine who joined. Now I get myself weighed each week and sit in a meeting with a group of women.

Balanced, balanced, balanced. That’s how my mental state has been. I’ve had no wild roller coaster rides with my emotions. No large highs followed by deep lows in awhile. It feels good to feel good. I do still suffer from large anxiety that keeps my body shaking virtually all the time, but at least I’m not suffering crazy manic or depressed stages and major anxiety too.

Thanksgiving was spent with friends, Christmas with Maurice’s family and for New Years we celebrated at our church.

Sorry for the uneventful writing but I’m still working on the final tweaks on a website and I need to get back to it now. I should be done this week though.

9 comments on What I Did on my Winter Vacation

  1. Bradley!!!!! Welcome back. I missed you and appreciated the comments that you left on my blog while you were gone.Congratulations on the weight loss. I wonder if you we moving around more instead of sitting in front of the computer?Uneventful…sounds wonderful. Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!

  2. Welcome back! It sounds like you had a lovely time. A neighbour of ours who owns a diner lost what looks to be about 100 lbs on Weight Watchers.I wish you the very best for a peaceful, healthy and happy new year.

  3. Sounds like your vacation was beneficial on every front. Congrats on the weight loss and welcome back!

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