Category: blogging

Going Dark

lightswitch off

In my most recent post, several weeks ago, I said I may be closing this blog to focus on a new blog related to my writing. I decided I don’t have the time or energy to start a new one, yet I’ve made the very difficult decision to close “Insights From a Bipolar Bear” anyway. […]

The Sun May be Setting


After ten years, and a couple of months, the sun may be setting on Insights from a Bipolar Bear. Obviously, I haven’t been posting much lately. It looks like the average has been about once a month. The reason, as most of you know, is because I’ve been working on a novel. I made the […]

Wanna Guest Blog?

Guest blogger at old fashioned typewriter

I’m busy as hell trying to get some things off to a publisher and I’d hate to see my blog die from neglect. If you’re interesting in writing a guest blog for me, please send me a message on my contact page. The rules are that it has to deal with bipolar disorder, or other […]

My Desk

My Desk

This is not going to be the most exciting post you’ve ever read, but it is pretty cool to me because of my desk. Before we get to my desk, remember my past couple of posts? Yeah, those. The ones where I told you that my site may be down for a few days because I […]

Care to be a Guest Blogger?

Guest blogger at old fashioned typewriter

I haven’t been posting as much as I used to and it looks like I need to cut back a tiny bit more so I can spend more time on my manuscript. Therefore, I’m looking for guest bloggers. I’d like to help promote other blogs one day each week. It’s preferable if your blog is […]

I’m Trying To Comment, I Promise

For the past two days I have been unable to post comments on other blogs. A very small number have posted, but most completely vanish after I hit the “Post Comment” button. This has nothing to do with Comment Moderation. It is happening on sites that are moderated and those that are not. I am […]

Blogging Time

If you’re looking for this week’s” Caption This” contest, you don’t need to worry. This week it’s being posted on Thursday. For now, kick back with some popcorn, enjoy this post and I’ll see you tomorrow for the contest. Blogging Time Not too long ago I posted my dilemma of juggling time to get things done […]


Since I started this blog I’ve always been upfront and honest about my past, my disorder(s) and what’s going on in my life. I don’t want that to change. I prefer full honesty. Earlier today I published a post about my guilty pleasures In life. One of the items I listed had to do with […]

Blogs, I Need New Blogs!

Awhile back I asked for suggestions for humor blogs, but didn’t get much of a response. I’m hoping to get better feedback this time around because I’m open to blogs that have a broader appeal. What Types of Blogs am I Looking For? What kind am I looking for? Mental health, bipolar specific, humor, funny, […]

Out of the Starting Gate Redux

Stupid Idea I remember about a decade ago when I knew very little about blogs. Out of ignorance I thought they were about the dumbest things I could imagine. Weren’t they just diaries? Who in the world wants to read other people’s diaries? Most of us have rather mundane lives – wake up, go to […]

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