Care to be a Guest Blogger?

Guest blogger at old fashioned typewriter

I haven’t been posting as much as I used to and it looks like I need to cut back a tiny bit more so I can spend more time on my manuscript. Therefore, I’m looking for guest bloggers. I’d like to help promote other blogs one day each week.

It’s preferable if your blog is related to bipolar or some other mental health topic, but I’m open minded. Humor bloggers would be great. Whether you’ve been blogging for 3 weeks or 3 years is okay with me, just no hard feelings if I determine your blog doesn’t fit.

What I’m not interested in is blogs that promote something. No books, no commercial websites, no magazines, etc. I also will not consider any posts that suggest alternatives to meds, such as herbs or other formulas. If you’d like to post about not taking meds at all, I will cautiously take a look.

One big rule…it must be less than 1,000 words.

Of course, I’ll ensure there is a link back to your blog. While self promotion is not the purpose of this, a link back to mine is expected.

Please let me know if you’d like to participate. I hope you do. You can reach me via the Contact Form or just leave a message below.

17 comments on Care to be a Guest Blogger?

  1. I can’t write anything new for you right now, but would you consider reprinting some of my earlier posts? I also have some humor pieces from my other blog that you might consider. Let me know if you’re interested.

    1. You’re welcome. Would love to have you onboard, Anthony. Just send me a synopsis of what you plan to write, or the entire thing if you’d like. I think you may have my email already. If not, just reach me via the contact form and I’ll send it over to you.

  2. Hey again, I am finally stopping by….I think you’ve made the right decision in cutting back on posts. I used to blog daily (That was close to crazy! It was too much, but it happened because I fell in love with blogging…) and then I posted a few times a week. When I got serious about completing my book, I told myself I’d post 1x/week. That worked. I’m so glad you’re focusing on your project and offering guest posts is great way to keep your blog lively, and you can help others at the same time.


    1. I’ve made it easy on myself. I’ll continue my Weekly Wrap-Up, which is easy: I’ll do my throwbacks on Thursdays, which is very easy; I plan to have a guest blogger every Wednesday. Again, easy. That leaves me only one day to write a full article on either Tuesday or Friday. My hope is that it will keep the blog fresh and interesting while allowing me to keep my manuscript a priority. I’d love to have you guest blog for me, Captain. I’ve already have almost two months of slots filled, but would love to see you in there sometime. Wouldn’t have to be long,

      1. I’m so flattered…..dang, you already have 2 months of slots filled? You rock!!! Let me think about it – I might want to pull an old post and revise it just for you! (and your followers…) AND keep it under 1000 words, which I fnally did yesterday since I was sick, LOL!!!! I want to keep my posts under 1000 whenever possible – I read some statistic showing that the best length for a blog post was between 400-500 words…have you heard that?
        Xo your still queasy Captain! Captains should NOT be queasy!

        1. I always strive to keep my posts below 1,000 words, but never heard that the optimal length is 400 – 500. I guess if you think about it, Jason over at OM always has short posts and he seems to have a follower or two. LOL

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