Wayne Brady Opens Up About Depression

The world is still recovering from the shock that Robin Williams had depression and committed suicide as a result. Now, TV funnyman, Wayne Brady, opens up about his depression and the impact it has had on his life.

11 comments on Wayne Brady Opens Up About Depression

  1. I love Wayne. I love Robin. I’ve always understood funny men who hide behind their schtick to mask their pain/depression/suicide ideations. (Darrel Hammond, John Belushi…) If someone wants to get a comedic exchange going with me I’ll latch on. Humor is the greatest tonic in the world for surviving. I applaud guys like Wayne who come out with their stories of depression. It makes it so much easier for the rest of us. Thanks, Bradley!

    1. I applaud him as well. I think, or at least hope, that when a comedic genius like Wayne comes out of the MH closet that it makes people understand the rest of us a little better. I don’t think there was a single thing in the interview I didn’t relate to.

  2. Thanks Bradley. I can relate to what Brady said too. But there’s more to depression with Bipolar, in my experiences. Another layer that frustrates and sometimes humiliates. Things we don’t like to talk about because no one can understand and we fear being called “crazy”. I was talking with my therapist about this just yesterday–one aspect of it anyway. Good post. I hope you have an awesome day.

    1. I think those of us with bipolar struggle so much is because we fall from one extreme or another. Despite the damage we do while manic, sometimes it feels like we’re on top of the world. Going from that to depression the next day is a mighty long fall. As you can see from the video, though, those who have depression without bipolar still struggle an awful lot.

  3. Thanks Bradley for another great post. I think that people would be surprised at how many “funny” people (not just celebrities) suffer from sometimes debilitating depression. I have a friend I have known since high school, and she can make the most awful of situations sound hysterically funny, but underneath that is a person is who is very easily hurt, a deep thinker, and does suffer from depression and has since I have known her (some 27 years). If you didn’t know her that well, you’d never see it.

    I also agree that there is as another poster said another dimension to Bipolar depression. For some reason, the word “Bipolar” implies a different level of mental illness; one that is more extreme than “simple” depression. Not to knock people who suffer from Depression because it can be very serious, but Bipolar depression comes out of nowhere, knocks you on your ass, and the next thing you are thinking is that this will never end unless you end it. People with Bipolar are also seem more likely to be less skilled in coping with severe depression or even the little let down’s in life. Those little let down’s that most people appear to get through without losing it (at least in my case) become huge, insurmountable obstacles that have no solution except to think of just ending it because I know what’s coming, and that is the crying for no reason, staring at the wall for hours on end thinking about nothing and everything, and how my life has just not gone the way I saw it as a little girl. Then, I get depressed and angry because everything I have tried to do is either very difficult or pretty near impossible.

    For me, I think the added level is anxiety. When manic (thank goodness it doesn’t happen often), I am superwoman. When depressed, I am the worst and least capable person in the world, and along with it comes extreme anxiety that I may be right. Even though I know deep down that isn’t true.

    1. The anxiety hits me both during my manic stage and my depressive stage. Sometimes it paralyzes me from doing the most mundane things. I think we overlook anxiety as part of being “normal” with bipolar, but, for me it comes out of nowhere and not knowing when it’s going to hit is pretty scary.

  4. Wow! Absolutely LOVE Wayne Brady. I’m gobsmacked. He has such a super-quick mind and wit. And as has been said, he always seems so happy. But we do learn to hide the illness pretty quickly because of the stigma.

    1. I love Wayne to. He’s so quick witted that I think he’s a genius – not just a comedic genius. I have old friends reading my blog these days and many are shocked. They are amazed at how well I’ve hidden it over the years.

  5. I’ve been diagnosed with bipolar since 1981. Even though I’ve been called a “gunnie pig” for trying all the different meds that supposely will be the cure all, I’m still struggling with the ups and downs on a daily basis. I used to be the “kick” at parties,now I’m classified as boring. I just keep on a day by day basis and keep on sucking on my “Lifesavers” as I go on with life. I’m interested in communicating with Bradley. Carol

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