Category: gay

Uncle Bradley’s Words of Wisdom

This week I have two questions that were asked of Uncle Bradley and both have to do with important the issue of coming out. My first question comes from Alan of Alan Gay and Straight: I’ve been visiting someone in the hospital everyday. Anyways here’s my Q-Two female nurses have hit on me this week […]

So Pretty, and Witty, and Gay – Part I

Too frequently I’m asked when I became gay. It’s kind of a silly question, unless you don’t believe people are born gay, which is pretty silly of its own. I mean, I had a hard enough time feeling different, the last thing I needed was one more thing. A better question I’m asked is “when […]

Waving the Rainbow Flag

Today’s the big day that thousands of gay, lesbian and transgender couples will finally be able to register to marry in California. No time to post today. We’re sure that there will be plenty of right wing prosters against marriage equality so I’ve organized my church to be out there in full support. I’ve got […]


Take A 290 pound man A campground with lots of steps, and rough up and down pathways. Drive from to sea level to 6800 feet (2072m) in less than 3 hours What do you get? A man who is breathless. This is the third year I’ve gone on this church retreat. The first year I […]

Bloggers Unite For Human Rights

Today I will divert from my usual discourse about my crazy brain or my up and down attempt at reducing girth. Today is the day for Bloggers Unite For Human Rights. Bloggers around the world have been challenged to help elevate awareness by drawing attention to the challenges of human rights. I’ve seen Bloggers who […]

Rub-A-Dub-Dub, How I Hate The Tub

For many, this will fall under the category of TMI, but I hate to bathe. As a teen, even when very depressed, I still spent 15 – 30 minutes in the shower. But now it’s hard to drag my ass in there. I’ve talked with people who say they have the same problem when they […]

I’m a He/She and I’m Proud of it

Saturday I was walking to the mailbox when I overheard a woman telling a story to her daughter. I’ll paraphrase the conversation: Mother: …so she said she was going to take her wife to Catalina for the weekend. Daughter: That’s really nice of her. Mother: (giggling) Did you not hear me? I said she is […]

A Busy Day and George Takei

Kinda busy today with a psychiatric appointment and book club tonight, but doing pretty well, a little in the manic state and a little in the depressed state. Hmmm, I’ll try to come up with a number here. I will leave you with another one of my favorite videos. It’s George Takei’s response to Tim […]

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