Category: bipolar disorder

One Thing Up One Thing Down

Funny Screaming Manic Man

One Thing Up I think I’m manic. I generally deal with depression but this time I’m pretty sure I’m manic. Well, that’s not true. Even though it’s been awhile, I know without a doubt I’m manic. In the past 2 1/2 days I’ve had approximately two hours of sleep. TWO HOURS! You’d think I’d be […]

A Quick Update On A Few Things

I’ve got a lot to do today, including getting some writing done, but I feel the need to do a post to get my day started. Plus, there are some quick updates. The Brain Game: Take Two I met with my neurologist yesterday and here’s what’s going on. He’s always though it was due to […]


I’m still feeling balanced and it’s a wonderful thing. Being easily distracted is still there, but I’m working with it the best I can. I have a lot of medical issues going on and the fact that I’m methodically dealing with all the doctors and appointments I go to, I’m pleased that I’m not freaking […]

Can a Monday Actually be Good?

Can Mondays actually be good? You bet your ass they can. The week sure as hell is starting out well for this guy. The Weekend I felt better this weekend than I have in a long time. Balanced. It dawned on me this morning that I didn’t deal with any anxiety…and I’m still not. Well, […]

Feeling Level

I haven’t posted much this week and this is why people think I’m in a deep hole all the time. When I’m not feeling well, I tend to come here to dump. When I’m doing well, I’m busy doing other things. This week I’ve been feeling level. Well, for the most part. The General Mood […]

Damn! What a Whirlwind Week

Tornado with an angry face

Can you ever remember a week like this? The whole country has gone insane as the rest of the world looks at us and shakes there head. Got some updates about the week and we’re all sick of politics, so I’ll touch on the election just a little bit. The State of the Nation This […]

And We’re Off

Horses leaving starting gate

NaNoWriMo National Novel Writer’s Month officially began yesterday. With a goal of reaching 50,000 words in November, I need to get going. After this blog I’ll have to edit the podcast episode that releases for tomorrow morning. Once again, I usually have the episodes done a week in advance but I procrastinated again. This is […]

I Shouldn’t be on Here Today

Writing this blog is the last thing I need to be doing right now, but it helps calm my nerves and usually gives me the kick in the ass I need to get things started. I’m way behind this week. I have not done the editing for my show that releases on late Monday; I […]

The Nightmares Are Still Coming

Yesterday I said that I used to rarely remember my dreams. In fact, I would tell people I never dream, although I know the truth is everyone does. Mine were just wasted because I couldn’t remember them at all. Last night was the second night in a row I dreamed Donald Trump wins the election. […]

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